Hello all, I am proud to present to you new product from the Dreamspirit Wargaming Studio, a new range of customizable fantasy buildings with removable floors-Fantasy Fiefdoms. For the last couple of weeks we worked on these buildings and first models are done so I decided to present them to you. These new buildings have awesome amount of details, and are completely prepainted and assembled so you can use them right out of the box. Another awesome feature is that they are standardized so the more of these buildings you have, the more combinations you can create. AND they are very affordable. We are currently working on new designs, and video for these terrain pieces, and as soon as I have more new material I'll post it for your enjoyment.
The price for one storey buildings is 34.95 $US
TO ORDER: dreamspirit.wargaming@gmail.com
Here is another one-storey model. The floors are interchangeable so you can use them on each other and create different buildings.